Gifted & Talented
GATE – Opportunities for Extension and Enrichment
Whangaia ka tupu ka puāwai
That which is nurtured, blossoms and grows
Gifted Learners
The term “gifted” is often used to describe students with a range of exceptional abilities, many of which have indicators in the early childhood years. Some common indicators include:
Māori giftedness also includes personal qualities such as manaakitanga, katiakitanga, and tikanga, grounded in Māori kaupapa.
Talented Learners
“Talented” students have advanced abilities in particular areas, for example, ngā mahi a rēhia including art, music, or sport.
Here at Mount Maunganui College, we offer our rangatahi a wide variety of courses and extracurricular activities which opportunities for extension and enrichment fall naturally out of. We work with our students to ensure their needs are met. In addition to in-class choices and extension tasks, many opportunities arise out of our subject areas, for example, Model United Nations, Young Innovators’ Award, Debating, Wānanga, and Writing Group. We also have a multitude of extracurricular clubs, teams, and competitions, including social action groups, school councils, Whaikorero Competition, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and Evolocity.
Some MMC students are offered individual academic pathways because of their exceptional academic abilities. All of these require consultation from teachers. Some examples include:
In the junior school, extension and enrichment curriculum-centered programs offered include the Sports Performance class (application only) for students with the potential to become elite athletes; the Elite Performing Arts class (entry by audition); and the Design Learning class.
Contact - GATE Facilitator - Sandra Gillies
Mount Maunganui College
565 Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui 3116
New Zealand
Phone: 64 7 575 3096