2025 Enrolment at Mount Maunganui College
General Enrolment Information - Year 9 to Year 13
On 30 June 2021, the Mount Maunganui College Board of Members formally approved a new enrolment scheme and zone. This decision was made in consultation with, and at the direction of, the Ministry of Education due to our recent significant roll growth and to future-proof against overcrowding. This enrolment scheme and selection for entry to the school is based on the Ministry of Education enrolment regulations. It enrols students according to the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020.
Specific details of the confirmed zone boundaries can be found here
Mount Maunganui College’s enrolment scheme means we will be able to more accurately plan for our future, by having a clear picture of the number of students who will be attending the college. The enrolment scheme and zoning will support us to ensure stable staffing levels and appropriate building resources.
Students who are currently enrolled at Mount Maunganui College are not affected by these changes.
Mount Maunganui College
565 Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui 3116
New Zealand
Phone: 64 7 575 3096
Email: principal@mmc.school.nz